
Expressproofreading purports to provide writing services, but can we genuinely rely on their claims and assurances? Doubts arise regarding their credibility and the fulfilment of their promises. To address these concerns, we conducted an investigation into their offerings. Our findings aim to shed light on the veracity of their services. Expressproofreading has yet to prove itself trustworthy or reliable. Many promises made by such services often fall short, leading to disappointment. With skepticism, we scrutinised their claims and, unfortunately, did not find consistent evidence to support their lofty assertions. The reliability of their service remains unconfirmed, and their promises appear exaggerated. Consequently, it becomes clear that trusting Expressproofreading without further evidence might be unwise. Such writing services frequently fail to deliver on their promises, leaving customers disillusioned. The investigation has not provided sufficient assurance of their capabilities or trustworthiness. Therefore, it is prudent to approach Expressproofreading with caution, as relying on their claims and promises may lead to dissatisfaction.

Quality does not exhibit reliability in the quality of their services. Their writings are not free from numerous errors, ranging from lexical mistakes to improper formatting. The issue of plagiarism is not absent in the content they deliver. The utilisation of Turnitin is not part of their practice; instead, they rely on substandard, inexpensive software for plagiarism detection. This does not instil confidence in their commitment to originality and quality. The presence of such significant flaws indicates that does not prioritise meticulousness or integrity in their work. The quality control measures are not adequate to prevent these issues, reflecting poorly on their service standards. Hence, does not fulfil the expectations of accuracy and professionalism one might have from a proofreading service. Such shortcomings do not encourage trust or satisfaction among their clients. Their inability to ensure error-free, original work does not make them a dependable choice for anyone seeking high-quality proofreading services. Consequently, relying on is not advisable for those who value precision and authenticity in written content.


The services list of does not inspire confidence, even though it includes assignments and proofreading. However, their proofreaders and writers are not suitably qualified. They do not possess the necessary knowledge of various proofreading and writing formats. Clients cannot expect to receive high-quality services from them. Moreover, they do not offer revisions after the initial submission of work, which does not ensure client satisfaction. The absence of qualified personnel means that the nuances of different writing styles and formats are not adhered to, leading to substandard output. The lack of post-submission revision does not allow for the correction of errors or improvements based on feedback. Therefore, it is clear that does not prioritise quality or client satisfaction. Their services do not meet the expectations of those seeking professional and meticulous proofreading. The inadequacy in their staff's expertise and the refusal to revise work highlight their unreliability. Thus, relying on for critical assignments and proofreading tasks is not advisable, as their services do not meet the required standards of excellence and thoroughness.

Prices is not a cost-effective writing firm. It is surprising how they justify their high rates given the poor quality of their services. The exorbitant charges do not equate to value, as the standard of their work is decidedly subpar. Clients are essentially overcharged for low-quality writings that do not meet academic standards. The work provided by cannot be used at a university level, as it fails to meet the necessary criteria for academic submissions. The high prices do not correspond with the service quality, leading to a significant mismatch between cost and value. Students and professionals alike cannot rely on their outputs for serious academic or professional use. The firm's practices do not justify the expense, making it an imprudent choice for anyone seeking quality writing services. Therefore, it is not advisable to engage with, as their services do not meet the required standards, and the high costs do not reflect the value of the work provided.


The support staff at do not use genuine names or profiles. They do not engage with clients honestly, instead resorting to deceptive tactics and sweet talk to entice individuals into placing orders. Once an order is placed, the support staff do not maintain communication. Clients seeking assistance post-order do not receive any support, as the staff become unresponsive. This lack of post-order service does not fulfil the promises made initially. Additionally, they do not handle refund requests professionally. Instead, they resort to threats and blackmail, implying they will contact your university if a refund is demanded. This unethical behaviour does not build trust or demonstrate reliability. The firm's practices do not align with acceptable standards of customer service and integrity. The unresponsiveness and intimidation tactics do not reflect a reputable service. Therefore, relying on is not advisable, as their support staff do not provide the necessary assistance, and their unethical practices create an untrustworthy environment.


Their delivery is not timely. Frequently, orders are delayed, which does not bode well for clients who need to meet strict deadlines at their schools. This unreliability does not align with the needs of students or professionals who rely on punctual service. The chronic lateness does not resolve any urgency and often results in significant problems for those with tight schedules. The firm's failure to deliver on time does not inspire confidence in their ability to manage deadlines effectively. This consistent issue with delayed delivery does not support clients who depend on timely submissions. Therefore, it is clear that their services do not cater to the critical need for punctuality, leaving many in difficult situations. It is not advisable to rely on their services for time-sensitive work, as their track record with meeting deadlines is poor. The repeated lateness does not indicate a commitment to customer satisfaction or professionalism. Consequently, trusting this firm for prompt delivery is not prudent for anyone who must adhere to strict deadlines.

Our Verdict

Overall, this firm does not demonstrate reliability. They operate as scammers, using a fake physical address to give the false impression of being UK-based while actually working from a remote area in India. This deception does not inspire trust and reveals their lack of transparency. Their misrepresentation does not align with the ethical practices one would expect from a professional service provider. Clients cannot depend on them for honest communication or reliable service. The use of a false address does not provide any confidence in their legitimacy. Therefore, does not come recommended. Their operations do not meet the standards of a trustworthy or dependable firm. The lack of honesty regarding their location and the deceptive nature of their practices do not make them a suitable choice for anyone seeking credible proofreading services. It is clear that relying on this firm does not ensure a positive or reliable experience. Hence, it is not advisable to engage with, as their practices do not reflect the integrity and reliability that clients deserve.

User Reviews

“Firstly, I found many positive reviews for, and I decided to place an order. IT WAS MY BIGGEST MISTAKE. Unfortunately, I have become a victim of this company. Never place orders with them, as they are cheating students all over the world. The paper was an awful, really low-quality piece of writing. It was also delayed and did not meet the required word count, which I paid for.”

By Toshiba

“Their manager refused to make a refund or compensation, as their writing that was delivered to me was plagiarized around 70%. They threatened me to contact your organization if I asked for a refund. Thus, I kept quiet.”

By Ninja













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