Awriter is a writing company stating on its site that “achieve with excellence”. They claim that their services are best from the rest of the writing companies. To know whether they are telling truth or not, we are going to present them in the following review.
Awriter claims that they have highly experienced writers who never fail to satisfy. They also claim that they have more than 400 writers. Nonetheless, these are false statements only given to attracting clients. in reality, they are fraudsters. They are unqualified because their writings are copied. The grammar issues are also high in their writings because they are not native English speakers. They do not use Turnitin. They use some cheap software.
Awriter services include essays, term paper, dissertation, research paper, custom essay, writing services, dissertation, high school services, associate services, bachelor services, master services and doctoral services. However, they have not mentioned the subject’s areas.
In prices, this company is very expensive. Because the basic level price of 1 page for the high school level will cost you $22 while it will be delivered in 10 days. The premium price will cost you 25 dollars while platinum will charge you $29. This is very unreasonable. No other company charge clients such as expensively.
In support, awriters are also not good. Their agents are very slow in response. They do not care for clients questions. They mere worry for trapping students as new customers while using fake social media profiles. In addition to this, their mentioned location address is fake. They do not operate from Uk but exist in some fare region of India.
In delivery, you will get the worst because they do not provide work on time. Their delivery is often delayed.
Overall, we do not recommend awriter. They do not provide the best quality stuff. Their writers are unqualified while prices are high. Besides, they do not give a revision after order submission. You may find some best writing firm.
Does anyone know their experince in dissertation writing and if it is legal? How can this be verified so I am not getting in a bad situation? Thanks
Worst service ever! they didn't complete my work on time. They asked me many times to get more time, which I agreed all the time. They even did not finish a draft of my whole dissertation! Also they changed my writer around 5 to 6 times!
The writers don't seem to be learned and not professionally knowledgeable in the skills they have mentioned on the site. They are unable to provide smart quality work on diverse topics.