
Globalization has indeed spurred the growth of online commerce, including academic writing services aimed at assisting students. However, one such service, Assignment Desk, comes under scrutiny for its credibility. Reviews and customer feedback reveal numerous concerns regarding their reliability and quality of service. Many users report issues such as poor writing standards, missed deadlines, and unresponsive customer support. The company's opaque practices, including undisclosed writer credentials and alleged use of subpar plagiarism detection software, further cast doubt on their legitimacy. Students considering Assignment Desk for academic assistance should proceed with caution, as the risks associated with their services may outweigh the benefits. It's essential to explore other reputable options that prioritize transparency, professionalism, and consistent quality to ensure academic success and integrity.


One significant drawback of Assignment Desk is their lack of transparency regarding writer credentials, which raises doubts about the qualifications and expertise of their team. Although they provide samples of their work, these samples often reveal glaring issues that indicate a lack of professionalism and competence among their writers. Instances of grammatical errors, redundancy, and excessive use of colloquial language are common in their samples, undermining the quality of their writing. Furthermore, there are allegations of plagiarism, as they reportedly use inexpensive plagiarism detection software instead of more reliable tools like Turnitin. This practice jeopardizes the originality and academic integrity of their services, posing a risk to students who rely on their work for academic submissions. Prospective clients should approach Assignment Desk with caution and consider alternatives that prioritize transparency, qualified writers, and adherence to academic standards to avoid potential pitfalls associated with their questionable practices.


Assignment Desk claims to offer a wide array of academic services including coursework, assignments, essays, homework help, management papers, and dissertations across a broad spectrum of subjects. However, there are serious doubts about their capability to deliver quality work across such a vast range without adequate professional expertise. Many customers have expressed skepticism regarding the qualifications and competence of their writers, citing issues with the depth of research, coherence of arguments, and adherence to academic standards in the delivered work. The breadth of subjects they claim to cover raises concerns about the authenticity and expertise of their writers in each specialized field. Students relying on Assignment Desk for academic support risk receiving substandard work that does not meet the rigorous demands of higher education. It is advisable for students to seek writing assistance from companies that demonstrate a clear commitment to quality, expertise, and reliability in specific academic disciplines.


Assignment Desk's pricing structure, which requires potential clients to inquire via email for specific rates, is highly inconvenient and opaque. This lack of transparency raises concerns about fair pricing practices, as it allows for potential discrepancies in charges based on undisclosed criteria or negotiation tactics. Additionally, while they offer discounts to students, these discounts often come with stringent conditions, limiting their accessibility and effectiveness. Such pricing policies create uncertainty and make it difficult for students to budget effectively for academic assistance. It is advisable for students seeking writing services to consider alternative firms that offer clear, upfront pricing and more inclusive discount policies to ensure affordability and transparency throughout their academic engagements.


When it comes to customer support, Assignment Desk is severely lacking. Many customers have reported encountering uncooperative and unhelpful agents who exhibit scam-like behavior. There are complaints of agents using fake names and identities, which undermines trust and transparency. Additionally, despite claiming to operate from the UK, there have been allegations that Assignment Desk's actual operations are based in distant regions of India, raising concerns about their legitimacy and adherence to legal standards. Such practices indicate a lack of integrity and professionalism, making Assignment Desk an unreliable choice for academic assistance. Students seeking trustworthy support should avoid engaging with companies that demonstrate fraudulent behavior and prioritize transparency and ethical practices when selecting a writing service. It is crucial to conduct thorough research and choose reputable firms that uphold high standards of customer service and operational transparency.


In terms of delivery, Assignment Desk consistently falls short of expectations. Numerous reviews and customer feedback indicate a pattern of missed deadlines and delayed submissions. Many users have reported significant frustrations due to late delivery of their assignments, which has resulted in academic repercussions and added stress. This unreliability in meeting deadlines undermines the trustworthiness of Assignment Desk as a writing service provider. Students rely on prompt delivery to meet their academic timelines and expectations, and the repeated failure to do so by Assignment Desk can disrupt their studies and jeopardize their grades. Therefore, for those seeking dependable writing assistance, it is crucial to consider alternative services that prioritize timely delivery and reliability to avoid the risks associated with Assignment Desk's inconsistent performance in this critical aspect.

Our Verdict

Based on our thorough evaluation, we cannot recommend Assignment Desk as a viable option for writing assistance. Reviews and feedback from users consistently highlight significant shortcomings in their services. Many customers have expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of writing provided, citing issues such as poor grammar, inadequate research, and lack of adherence to academic standards. Furthermore, there have been numerous complaints regarding missed deadlines and unresponsive customer support, which severely hampers the reliability of Assignment Desk as a service provider. Given these concerns, it is advisable for students seeking writing help to explore alternative firms known for their reliability and quality. Choosing a reputable company ensures that you receive the necessary support without risking academic setbacks or disappointment in the quality of work delivered. Therefore, we strongly recommend looking elsewhere for writing assistance rather than engaging with Assignment Desk.














              • Aiden says:

                Please for your own sake do not trust this service. They were actually like arrogantly laughing at me when I was asking very detailed questions about the standard of work they were going to do for me. Now they will not reply to my calls.

              • Reid says:

                The service quality isn't productive for the essay writing service. Their management isn't sensible to facilitate their patrons on their demands. They write in a traditional language that's not applicable for essays. The writers aren't capable of creating a unique and new essay writing content. The writers aren't capable of drawing any clever ideas to indicate some distinction in practiced writing.

              • Daleyza says:

                Assignmentdesk is for students to assist in thesis writing but their services are not reliable for research writing. The service quality is very cheap and mediocre. They are not competent enough to make their clients satisfied with work. Sometimes, the writers are not available for one-to-one communication or discussion.

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