“Do not hesitate to purchase our renowned writing services”, is an opening statement on the website of assignmentlounge. So they are offering writing services. However, their website is one of the worst we ever came across. There is neither services page nor prices. In the following, we are reviewing them.
Quality of services is only good if writers are qualified. However, assignmentlounge do not share writer’s details. They are working differently. Their site indicates that they are scammers. Because their site is not secure and this can be seen on the left side of your internet explorer. It is said that this site is not secure so your financial pieces of information are not secure with them.
Their services are not known. However, their name suggests that they are offering assignments.
Their prices are also not estimated nor there is described any of paying this company. As their website is not secure, they may engage in stealing clients financial details. So do not use your debit card on their site.
Another bad part of this company is that they have not given any means of contacting them. Besides, they do not have a refund policy, revision policy and privacy policy. Moreover, they do not share their physical address.
Due to their insecure website, they have not used by anyone so their delivery rate is unknown.
Assignmentlounge is fake company because their website is insecure. They can hack your bank account. So, overall, we do not recommend them.
This is such a scam. The writers write like they have absolutely no clue what their doing. Then wen you try to get a refund they do everything they can not to give it to you plus take a percentage. They suck major monkey nuts! Don’t EVERRR use this website!
The writers do charge high for a one-page essay and this amount is not affordable for the students. They do not offer any packages or discounts to their students. Their site is labeled with a few percent discounts and this has no advantage for the students.
The price of the paper writing they charge is not affordable for the students. Their price and discount portal show $15 for 1 page. They use to charge extra if you want any, reference, citation, or format.