
BoomEssays markets itself as a writing company capable of delivering top-notch papers that promise to elevate your grades. However, the reality often falls short of these lofty assurances. Many students have found that using BoomEssays' services can actually harm their academic performance rather than enhance it. The quality of their papers frequently fails to meet academic standards, with numerous reports of poorly researched content, grammatical errors, and even instances of plagiarism. Despite their claims of employing skilled writers, the inconsistency and subpar quality of the work they deliver suggest otherwise. Furthermore, their customer service has been criticized for being unresponsive and unhelpful, leaving students dissatisfied and frustrated. Overall, while BoomEssays may promise academic success, the evidence from customer experiences indicates that relying on their services may lead to disappointing outcomes and potential harm to your academic reputation.

Quality boasts about their writing team's extensive experience in academic writing, suggesting that their writers have honed their skills over many years to deliver top-tier services. However, these claims should be approached with skepticism. Behind the façade of expertise lies a troubling reality. Numerous reports indicate that engages in unethical practices such as reselling papers and plagiarism. Rather than producing original content as promised, their writers often recycle materials or borrow heavily from other sources without proper attribution. This undermines the academic integrity of their services and exposes students to the risk of submitting plagiarized work. Additionally, their reliance on cheap plagiarism detection software instead of industry-standard tools like Turnitin raises concerns about the thoroughness and accuracy of their quality control measures. Students seeking reliable and ethical academic assistance would be wise to look elsewhere, as fails to uphold the standards necessary for trustworthy academic support.

Services fails to earn a recommendation due to several glaring issues with their services and customer interactions. Many users have reported receiving subpar quality work that does not meet academic standards, indicating a lack of commitment to excellence. Additionally, their customer service has been criticized for being unprofessional and rude, with reports of agents behaving dismissively towards customer concerns. Such behavior undermines trust and indicates a disregard for customer satisfaction. Furthermore, has been accused of breaching customer trust by failing to deliver promised services or by delivering them late. These practices reflect poorly on their reliability and integrity as a writing service provider. Given these significant shortcomings and negative customer experiences, students are advised to seek more reputable alternatives that prioritize quality, professionalism, and customer care.

Prices's pricing strategy is far from student-friendly, characterized by inflexibility and a lack of commitment to accommodating students' financial constraints. Their prices are notably high, making their services inaccessible for many students who are on tight budgets. Despite claiming to cater to students, shows little willingness to offer concessions or discounts, demonstrating a disregard for the financial challenges students often face. Requests for discounts or negotiations are routinely dismissed, with little to no empathy shown towards students' financial situations. This lack of flexibility and understanding further alienates potential customers who seek affordable academic assistance. As a result,'s pricing policies reinforce the perception that they prioritize profit over student welfare, discouraging students from considering them as a viable option for academic support. Students are advised to explore alternative writing services that demonstrate a more student-centered approach to pricing and customer support.


Customer support is a critical aspect of any writing business, crucial for building trust and reliability with clients. However, fails to uphold these standards, with numerous complaints about their untrustworthy customer support system. Reports indicate that their agents use fake Facebook profiles to lure and trap unsuspecting students into becoming new customers, rather than addressing genuine queries and concerns. Once payment is made, customer queries are often ignored or handled inadequately, leaving clients feeling neglected and frustrated. This lack of responsiveness and transparency in customer support undermines's credibility and reliability as a service provider. Students seeking reliable academic assistance should be wary of and instead opt for companies that prioritize genuine customer support and uphold ethical standards in their operations.

Delivery's delivery reliability is a significant concern for students relying on timely submissions to maintain their academic standing. Numerous reports indicate that their delivery times are frequently delayed, causing students undue stress and potentially jeopardizing their grades. Late submissions can have serious consequences, impacting academic performance and overall course outcomes. This lack of punctuality not only wastes the customer's time and money but also undermines their trust in's ability to fulfill their promises. For students depending on prompt delivery to meet deadlines and academic requirements,'s inconsistent performance in this crucial area makes them a risky choice. It is advisable to seek writing services that prioritize and consistently deliver on-time, ensuring reliability and peace of mind for their customers.

Our Verdict operates in a manner that raises serious doubts about their legitimacy and integrity as a writing company. Their practices resemble those of scams and frauds rather than a reputable academic service provider. Many customers have reported a lack of responsiveness when requesting revisions after submitting their orders, indicating a disregard for customer satisfaction and quality assurance. Worse still, attempts to seek refunds have resulted in alarming threats from, where they resort to blackmailing customers by threatening to contact their university. Such unethical behavior is entirely unacceptable and underscores their prioritization of profit over the well-being and academic integrity of their clients. Given these troubling practices and their blatant disregard for customer trust and satisfaction, it is strongly advised against trusting for any academic writing needs. Students are urged to seek out more reputable and ethical alternatives to avoid potential harm and disappointment.














              • Savannah says:

                They are a bunch of losers and they think they can get rich through this scam. All of them are from PAKISTAN-the rogue state. dishonest, liars, cheats and creeps.

              • Jayceon says:

                They are spoiling your future. They are not efficient in enhancing your career rather they will definitely embarrassed you in front of the interviewer. The format of the assignment is not followed by the writers’ teams.

              • Laura says:

                The customers do not get any support when you place your orders. The students face many difficulties like a late reply, misunderstanding of requirements, and price as well. The customers do not find any support during the order in process and also the completion of an order.

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