Its 2019 and our hate for homework hasn’t reduced a bit. We always want someone else to do it for us. And what better than online writing service. All you have to do is to provide them with your work details and make a payment. You will get your work done by the best professionals available and all this before deadline. But there are some scammers and frauds as well operating in the market. Courseworkspot.co.uk is one such website and today we will review it.
Though the first line that catches your attention on this website is “our professional coursework writing services is dedicated to providing quality custom coursework to end your misery and guarantee your success!” but still there is no such thing as quality here. Though they call themselves masters of quality yet they make false deliveries, sometimes delivering you someone else’s projects. Their work is plagiarized and sometimes they don’t even make deliveries after taking payments, which means the money is gone.
They claim to provide services regarding, course-work, essay and assignment writing but their main service is to make a fool out of people by looting money out of their pockets. These services are just a cover up for their crimes.
For a simple essay of high school level with an APA formatting, 24 hours deadline and 250 words, they will charge $28.95 which after discount will become £16.99. But the problem is that this pricing is not suitable to the quality of the writing they are providing you. Their work is plagiarized so much that it would be better to call it copy/pasted. Their content is poorly written with lots of spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. For such quality of work £16.99 are waste of money.
Their customer support consist of their social ids, live chat and email option but the staff is too lazy to reply on time and sometimes is stubborn to create an argument with you rather than providing you with a solution for your problem. They dont provide unlimited revisions only claim to do so. In fact there are too many loopholes in their revision policy through which they always escape.
Their deliveries are often late than your deadlines. Sometime there are no delivery at all and sometimes there are false deliveries. If somehow you get delivery and it is right then the content is poorly written with lots of spelling and grammar mistakes.
We rate them 1/5 for poor quality and false claims. Seriously if you want good grades than you should look for other service providers in the market.
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