Online writing service has become a quite handy these day. No matter how much homework you have got or how lengthy assignments are. Just find the right online writing service provider and your job is done. But many fraud companies take the shadow of such service for granted and start looting innocent people. Essaybox.co.uk is one such website and today we are going to review it for you.
They provide poor quality of work, punctuation and grammar mistakes, late deliveries, abusive customer support, not fulfilling the desire requirements for the jobs and sometimes not delivering the work even after getting paid.
Moreover this website does not mention its writers anywhere on the website. This is actually shocking because any writing company is always known by its writers. If the writers are good the company is good ultimately and if the writers are not good than so is not the company. Mostly respected companies treat their writers like a trophy, they boast about them and display their professional and academic info on website as a showpiece and proud thing.
But that’s not the case with this website. Most of the writers on this website are free- lancers, not native English speakers and randomly picked up. Which means you’re writing job isn’t in the very best professional hands.
Their work consist of plagiarism. Plagiarism reports provided by them are usually fake and when one check their product in a third party plagiarism checker, one always get more than 50 percent plagiarism.
They provide you with essay writing, essay editing and essay buying services. Though depending on the quality of their work only a fool would buy their services. Because not only the services are of cheap standards but also these people are frauds so there is no guarantee that either you will even get your work or not.
Their pricing for 4 days work of 2:2 standard would cost you £16 per page. Though the pricing is according to the market but there are reports of poor quality of work, late deliveries, punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Why waste your hard earned money if you are not getting quality for it. Moreover remember that this pricing is for 4 days, if you want the job to be done in 24 hours you would have to pay some extra pounds.
Their customer support is the worst thing about them. They are abusive and behave irrespectively with customers. Most of their staff is stubborn and too lazy to do anything against your complain. Their security and confidentiality policies are not that much explained and thus are not very trustworthy. Moreover there have been report for them being fraud so we won’t ask you to trust them in any case.
So, this is a company with very bad reviews about it. They don’t do quality work, their deliveries are late, full of plagiarism, have lots of grammar and punctuation mistakes, their staff is abusive, stubborn, lazy and has no moral or ethical values. Moreover in many cases they have infamously blocked their customers soon after receiving payments from them and didn’t delivered the work. So we rate them 1/5 for this and won’t recommend this company to you for your academic or professional needs.
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