Before the age of the internet writing was a very tough and hectic job. It would take days to create a single copy of any writing as all the work was being done by hand. But age of the computers and era of the internet has make this work quite easy. Today not only you can make a copy of anything easily but also can create or write a whole new content on computer. Today online writing services has taken over the business, and has made writing jobs quite easy for the customer. All you need is to provide them information regarding your job and make payment. You won’t even notice how fast you work will be done and with such a great quality. But not all of the writing services are as good as described. Some of these online writing companies are just frauds and cam who are just there to loot your hard earned money. Essaycorp.co.uk is an online writing company and today we are going to raise curtains from their scam faces.
At first look of the website any one of us would think of it’s as a quality website, less and relevant data on the main page, catchy content and good theme but as soon as you start reading the content you start realizing that there is no quality in this website.
To judge quality of any online writing website you don’t have to look at its website but you would have to look upon the writers. Like what are their professional expertise, from which institutes they are being graduated, what kind of works they have done in past and the list continues. But this website doesn’t share even a single information about its writers. So one cannot judge the quality of their work.
They provide essay writing services in different subjects such as, law, nursing, admission essay and English essay. Apart from essay writing services these people also claim to provide, assignment, dissertation and course-work writing services. But one can’t trust them as not even there quality is worst but also they have been flagged for rude behavior and frauds as well.
For a simple essay of one page/550 words and an urgency of 24 hours they will charge you £34.97. Not only this pricing is too much compared to the average pricing of the market but also it is too much compared to the standard of quality this company provides.
Their customer support consist of phone number and email only. It is shocking to know that even in the era of social media, this website doesn’t have any social ids. Moreover they don’t even have provide customers with any of their physical address which make it quite difficult for customers to track them if they have scammed them. Moreover their staff is quite abusive and dis-respective. And no matter what the reasons are they never provide you with revisions.
Their deliveries are always wrong and late, their work is often plagiarized or I should use the term copy/pasted. Their content is often false and consist of lots of factual errors with grammatical, punctuation and spelling mistakes.
We rate them 1/5 for being frauds and scams. Their website is full of false advertisements and we would suggest you not to use any of their services.
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