
Online writing services have increasingly become notorious for scams and fraudulent activities. Many companies purport to offer top-notch services but instead perpetrate deceit and fraud. One such example is, a website that has garnered a reputation for being fraudulent. Today, we delve into its operations to uncover the extent of its deceitful practices.

Numerous users have reported negative experiences with, highlighting issues such as poor quality work, missed deadlines, and even cases of outright plagiarism. Customers often find themselves disappointed and frustrated after paying for services that fail to meet basic academic standards. The website's claims of offering expertly crafted essays and papers are often misleading, with many customers feeling misled and cheated out of their money.

Moreover, complaints about extend beyond just the quality of work. Many users have encountered difficulties in obtaining refunds for substandard services or for work that was never delivered. The lack of customer support and transparency exacerbates these issues, leaving customers feeling exploited and betrayed. serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with online writing services. Its reputation for fraudulence underscores the need for consumers to exercise caution and thorough research before engaging with such platforms.


The company asserts that it employs exceptionally skilled and qualified writers, yet it fails to substantiate these claims with any evidence. When a company declares its writers to be the best in the market, it is expected to provide verifiable proof to support such assertions. This typically includes showcasing their academic qualifications and professional portfolios. However, this company neglects to furnish any such documentation.

Without tangible evidence of their writers' credentials and experience, there is little basis for trust in their claims. The absence of verified degrees and professional portfolios raises significant doubts about the company's credibility and competence. Potential customers are left uncertain about the quality of work they can expect, as the fundamental credentials that validate expertise and proficiency are conspicuously missing. Therefore, there is a glaring lack of assurance in their claims of having top-tier professionals, undermining their reputation and reliability in the competitive landscape of writing services.


They offer services like dissertation writing and assignment writing, but don't be deceived by the breadth of their offerings. Many companies boast a wide range of services without fulfilling their promises, and this company is no exception. It has gained notoriety for frequently failing to deliver on its commitments even after receiving payments.

Customers have frequently lodged complaints about delayed or completely undelivered work, leaving them frustrated and dissatisfied. This pattern of unreliable service undermines the company's credibility, casting doubt on its ability to fulfil its obligations. Despite advertising a variety of academic writing services, their reputation for unreliable delivery persists, making them a risky choice for anyone seeking dependable and timely assistance with dissertations or assignments. Thus, potential customers should exercise caution and consider alternative options known for their reliability and commitment to delivering on promises.


This company lacks a transparent pricing structure, opting instead to provide quotes via email, as they claim. The absence of a clear and uniform pricing plan undermines customer trust and transparency. General pricing plans are valued because they ensure fairness and clarity for all customers. With a standard pricing system, customers can easily estimate their total costs. However, without such a structure, this company has the discretion to charge arbitrary amounts, leaving customers vulnerable to overcharging or unexpected fees. The lack of a basic rate or calculation method makes it difficult for customers to contest charges, as they have no benchmark for comparison. This opacity in pricing practices erodes confidence in the company's integrity and fairness, creating uncertainty and dissatisfaction among potential clients seeking straightforward and reliable pricing information.


Their customer support options are limited to live chat, phone, and email, but their responsiveness to customer needs, particularly regarding revisions, is severely lacking. Reports indicate that their customer care staff can be confrontational and even use abusive language when pressed for revisions. In some cases, customers have been abruptly blocked from communication channels for persistently requesting revisions.

Compounding the issue is the absence of a clear and effective revision policy. The company's policies are riddled with loopholes that make obtaining revisions nearly impossible. When customers attempt to invoke the policy, the company often evades responsibility by exploiting these loopholes. Consequently, customers should not expect to receive any meaningful revisions from them.

This combination of poor customer support practices, abusive behaviour, and ineffective revision policies underscores significant deficiencies in their service quality and customer care standards. Potential customers are advised to approach this company with caution, as their handling of customer concerns and commitments to service satisfaction appear unreliable and problematic.


Their deliveries frequently miss deadlines, causing inconvenience and frustration for customers. In some instances, deliveries fail to arrive altogether, while other times, customers receive false assurances of delivery. Even when deliveries do materialize, the content is often poorly written, replete with numerous spelling and grammar errors. This lack of attention to detail reflects poorly on their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Customers have reported instances where submitted work did not meet basic academic standards, leading to disappointment and additional stress. Such inconsistent delivery practices highlight significant reliability issues within the company's operations. It underscores the risk customer’s face in entrusting their assignments and deadlines to this service provider, where late or substandard deliveries are all too common occurrences. Consequently, potential customers should exercise caution and consider alternative services known for their reliability and commitment to delivering high-quality, timely work.

Our Verdict

We have assigned them a rating of 1 out of 5 due to their consistently poor quality of service and their tendency to make false claims. It is crucial to highlight that relying on this service provider is not conducive to achieving good grades. Instead, students seeking academic assistance should explore other service providers within the market.

The low rating reflects numerous issues reported by customers, including substandard writing that fails to meet academic standards. Many have complained about receiving work that is poorly researched, contains grammatical errors, and lacks coherence. Such shortcomings indicate a lack of competence and commitment to delivering high-quality academic content.

Their misleading claims exacerbate the situation. They often promise expertise and professionalism but fail to provide evidence to substantiate these assertions. This lack of transparency and accountability undermines trust and leaves customers feeling dissatisfied and misled.

Therefore, for those aiming to secure good grades and reliable academic support, it is advisable to seek out reputable alternatives that prioritize quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. This approach ensures that academic needs are met effectively and without the disappointments associated with unreliable service providers like this one.













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