Review is an online entity offering legal writing services aimed at UK students. However, this review highlights their significant shortcomings. They lack accredited authors capable of assisting students in achieving high grades throughout their academic journeys. The quality of their work is consistently poor, failing to meet academic standards. Their essays lack depth and fail to provide insightful analysis required in legal studies. Moreover, their support for students is inadequate, with unreliable customer service and delayed responses to queries and concerns. They do not provide the necessary academic guidance and support that students require to excel in their studies. Overall, law students seeking reliable and high-quality legal writing services should avoid due to their inability to deliver on promises and their substandard academic offerings.


When evaluating the quality of Lawessaywriter, there is little to justify placing trust in their services. The company claims to employ expert writers, proofreaders, editors, and a legal team, particularly catering to law-related assignments. However, these claims appear unsubstantiated upon closer inspection. Reviews and feedback from users consistently highlight significant issues with their services, including poor writing quality, frequent errors, and inadequate support. Students relying on Lawessaywriter for legal writing assistance often find themselves disappointed and frustrated due to the lack of depth, coherence, and accuracy in their work. Moreover, their promises of expert legal insight and thorough editing do not align with the actual outcomes delivered to clients. Overall, Lawessaywriter fails to uphold its purported standards of quality and reliability, making it a risky choice for students seeking credible and effective academic support, especially in the field of law.


You should be aware that LawEssayWriters does not take your privacy seriously. The firm appears negligent in safeguarding your personal information, as evidenced by the lack of clear policies or assurances regarding data protection on their website. There is no indication of any proactive measures or strategies in place to ensure the security and confidentiality of your data. Potential customers are left in the dark about how their personal information will be handled or if it will be sold or shared without consent once they engage with the company. This lack of transparency and assurance regarding privacy practices raises serious concerns about entrusting sensitive information to LawEssayWriters, making it crucial for individuals to exercise caution before proceeding with their services.


The pricing structure at "LawEssayWriters" is exorbitant considering the poor quality of essays they deliver. For instance, a 2-page essay with a 10-day deadline costs £39.98 GBP, a steep price given the substandard quality of their work. This pricing strategy does not align with the value and expertise expected from a reputable academic writing service. It suggests that "LawEssayWriters" may prioritize profit over delivering high-quality academic content, which is essential for students seeking reliable assistance with their studies. Such high costs coupled with inadequate essay quality indicate a mismatch between the service's pricing and the actual value received by customers. Students should be cautious when considering this service, as the high prices do not justify the low-quality essays provided, potentially leading to dissatisfaction and academic setbacks.


The customer support provided by is notably poor, particularly after orders have been placed. Despite initial interactions appearing professional, there is a stark shift in their conduct post-order placement, marked by rudeness and even abusive behaviour towards customers. This change in attitude undermines the trust and satisfaction of clients who expect respectful and supportive communication throughout their engagement with the service. Such unprofessional conduct reflects poorly on the company's commitment to customer care and satisfaction. It creates an unwelcoming environment for students seeking assistance with their academic needs, potentially leading to heightened stress and dissatisfaction. As a result, students should exercise caution when considering for their academic writing requirements, as their support service may not meet the expected standards of professionalism and respect.

Delivery fails to provide a physical address, which poses a significant concern for potential clients. This omission raises doubts about the transparency and legitimacy of their operations, especially considering reports from students who have experienced issues with placing orders and receiving their completed work. The lack of a physical address not only undermines their credibility but also makes it difficult for customers to verify their authenticity and contact them if problems arise. This absence of essential contact information suggests a disregard for customer trust and accountability, potentially leaving clients vulnerable to unresolved issues and disputes. Students seeking reliable academic support should exercise caution when dealing with platforms that lack clear and verifiable business details like

Our Verdict falls short as a reputable writing service firm. Despite their claims, they have a track record of delivering subpar services. Students should exercise caution when considering them for academic assistance, as their reliability and quality are questionable. It's crucial to thoroughly assess any platform before entrusting them with important academic work to avoid potential fraud and academic repercussions. Based on their performance and feedback, they receive a low rating of 1.5 out of 5, indicating significant dissatisfaction and highlighting the need for students to seek more reliable alternatives for their academic needs.

User Reviews

MK say about "LawEssayWriters"

Horrible service. They wrote an essay for me, and it really looked as if a 12 year old with no legal knowledge wrote it. After providing me with it, the company refused to respond to my emails or calls.

Jess say about "LawEssayWriters"

Failed my law essay on international worship because of them.These people have no clue about academic paper writing














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