
In today's busy world, online writing services have become a necessity rather than a mere convenience. Many students and professionals find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, leaving little time for additional writing classes or tutoring. Consequently, online writing services offer a convenient solution to meet academic or professional writing needs efficiently. However, amidst the genuine providers, there exist fraudulent services that exploit unsuspecting customers. is one such website that has garnered attention for alleged fraud and scams. Today, we will critically review its operations and assess whether these concerns are substantiated. It is crucial for students and professionals alike to exercise caution when choosing an online writing service, as reliability and trustworthiness vary widely across providers. Opting for reputable services with a proven track record of delivering quality work and adhering to ethical standards is essential to avoid potential pitfalls associated with fraudulent practices in the online writing industry.


There is no quality on this website. They don’t talk about their writers, like what degrees do they have? What kind of professional background do they have come from? What are their expertise? These are some questions that define quality of a writer but this website doesn’t bother to answer them.

Then their reviews look fake as they are just names with quotes. You cannot judge quality of this website because there is no proof given for their quality.


They claim to provide writing, editing, dissertation and proof-reading services. But you should never trust them as there are reports of these people being frauds and scammers who do not deliver even after receiving payments from the customers.

Moreover if somehow you are lucky enough to get a delivery from them, than first of all it is surely going to be late than your deadline. Their content is going to be wrong. Their work will be full of plagiarism and basic errors of spellings, punctuation and grammar. So there is no need to waste your precious time on these big time scams. Rather you should be in market looking for better services.


They fail to offer a transparent pricing structure, which highlights their deceptive business practices. A reputable company typically provides a general pricing plan to ensure fairness and prevent overcharging. However, their omission of such a plan allows them to impose arbitrary charges without accountability. This lack of transparency makes it impossible for customers to verify costs or challenge excessive fees. It creates an environment where they can exploit clients' lack of information, charging whatever they deem fit without justification. This absence of a pricing plan on their website raises serious concerns about their integrity and customer fairness. Potential customers are left vulnerable to potential financial exploitation, with no recourse to dispute or verify charges. Therefore, caution is warranted when dealing with a company that lacks transparency in pricing, as it suggests a disregard for ethical business standards and customer trust. Seeking services from providers that uphold clear pricing policies and transparency is advisable to avoid such risks and ensure a fair and honest transaction experience.


You can reach out to them via email, live chat, and a phone number, but a significant concern we discovered is their lack of physical existence. This company operates exclusively online, without a physical presence. This setup poses considerable challenges if issues arise, such as financial disputes or unfulfilled services, as there is no physical address linked to the website. This absence of a physical location makes it difficult to hold them accountable or seek recourse through traditional means if problems occur. It raises questions about their legitimacy and commitment to customer service and protection. Customers should exercise caution when dealing with online-only businesses like this one, as the lack of a physical presence can complicate matters if disputes arise. It is advisable to consider companies with transparent physical addresses and robust customer protection policies to mitigate risks associated with online transactions and ensure peace of mind when engaging in business transactions.


Their delivery track record consistently falls short of meeting deadlines, often resulting in late submissions that do not align with agreed-upon schedules. Even when deliveries do occur, the content is frequently marred by numerous spelling and grammar errors, indicating a lack of attention to detail and quality control. This undermines the credibility of their service and fails to meet the expected academic or professional standards. Moreover, there are numerous instances where customers report not receiving their orders at all, despite making payments, or receiving false promises of delivery that are not fulfilled. These patterns of unreliable and inconsistent delivery further underscore the service's unreliability and raise significant concerns about its ability to fulfil commitments and provide satisfactory service. Therefore, relying on this service for important academic or professional writing needs is highly risky and not recommended. It is advisable for individuals seeking dependable and timely support to explore alternative service providers with a proven track record of delivering high-quality work and meeting deadlines consistently.

Our Verdict

We have assigned them a rating of 1 out of 5 due to their consistently poor quality of work and their tendency to make false claims. The services they offer do not meet the academic standards expected for achieving good grades. It is crucial to consider alternative service providers in the market that prioritise quality and integrity. Choosing a reliable and reputable writing service is essential for ensuring that the work produced is of high standard, free from plagiarism, and delivered on time. Therefore, we advise against relying on this particular service for academic support or professional writing needs. Students and professionals seeking assistance should conduct thorough research and read reviews to identify services that have a proven track record of delivering excellent results. This approach will help avoid the disappointment and potential academic repercussions associated with substandard work and unfulfilled promises from unreliable service providers.













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