Review operates as a deceptive writing firm, engaging in fraudulent practices. The identity of its owner remains undisclosed, raising suspicions about transparency and accountability. Contrary to its claims, the company does not operate from any European country but instead functions from an undisclosed location in India, which raises legal and ethical concerns regarding its operations. Additionally, the names of its agents are fabricated, further eroding trust and credibility. In order to inform potential clients about the deceptive practices of this firm, we are presenting a detailed review to highlight its shortcomings and advise caution. Potential customers should exercise vigilance when considering services from or similar entities, ensuring they choose reputable providers with transparent operations and a demonstrated commitment to ethical standards and customer satisfaction.


This firm is unequivocally a scam operation. They fail to deliver good quality writing and are known to engage in reselling plagiarised papers. Shockingly, they lack legitimate writers; instead, their agents simply copy content from online sources and paste it into documents they deliver to customers. Consequently, the papers they provide are riddled with errors and lack originality, failing to meet even basic academic standards. It is strongly advised not to invest any of your valuable time or resources with this fraudulent writing firm. Such practices not only jeopardise academic integrity but also expose clients to potential legal and ethical risks. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid engaging with dubious services like this one and instead opt for reputable writing providers that prioritise authenticity, quality, and customer satisfaction.


They advertise writing services ranging from high school level to PhD level, but their claims are misleading. In reality, their writers are not genuine professionals but rather freelancers lacking adequate writing expertise and knowledge. This discrepancy between their claims and the actual qualifications of their writers raises serious doubts about the quality and reliability of the service they provide. Potential customers should exercise caution and avoid falling prey to their deceptive advertising. Engaging with such a service can lead to disappointment and frustration due to substandard work and unreliable support. It is advisable to seek out writing services that are transparent about their writers' qualifications and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality, original content across various academic levels. By doing so, clients can ensure they receive the level of expertise and professionalism they expect and deserve without the risk of being misled by false promises and deceptive marketing tactics.


The agents of this company use fake Facebook profiles to approach students and persuade them with enticing promises to place orders. They lure customers in with seemingly low rates and attractive discounts, but in reality, these discounts often turn out to be non-existent. Moreover, the company lacks clear revision and refund policies on its website, leaving customers without proper recourse if dissatisfied with the service or results. These deceptive practices and lack of transparent policies indicate a disregard for customer satisfaction and raise significant concerns about the company's reliability and trustworthiness. Therefore, it is strongly advised against placing any orders with this firm. Potential customers should be cautious and seek out writing services that offer transparent pricing, clear policies on revisions and refunds, and have a reputation for honesty and integrity in their business practices.


Before placing an order, the agents of this company are notably charming and persuasive, using friendly and helpful behaviour to attract customers. However, once an order is confirmed and payment is made, their helpful demeanor vanishes entirely. Customers often find themselves abandoned, with communication abruptly cut off or ignored altogether. This sudden lack of response and support leaves clients feeling neglected and frustrated, especially when seeking assistance or updates on their orders. Moreover, if customers dare to request a refund due to dissatisfaction or unfulfilled promises, they may face intimidation tactics. Threats to report the customer to their institution or other authorities are sometimes employed to deter refund requests, adding a coercive element to the already disappointing experience. These unprofessional and coercive practices highlight significant issues with the company's customer service and ethical standards. Potential customers should beware of engaging with such a service that fails to uphold basic standards of communication, support, and customer care.


According to reports from previous customers, this company has a troubling reputation for failing to deliver on its promises. Many customers have complained that they receive nothing at all after paying for services. For those who do receive something, the content often deviates significantly from what was originally requested, rendering it irrelevant and unsuitable for its intended purpose. Additionally, a common grievance is that the delivered work is heavily plagiarised, lacking originality and violating academic integrity standards. These consistent issues with delivery, relevance, and plagiarism suggest a serious lack of commitment to fulfilling customer expectations and upholding professional standards. Potential clients should exercise caution when considering this service, as the likelihood of receiving substandard or unusable work appears to be high based on the experiences of previous customers. Opting for reputable providers with positive customer feedback and a track record of delivering quality, original work is advisable to avoid similar disappointments and academic risks.

Our Verdict

In conclusion, we strongly advise against engaging with for any writing requirements. This company operates fraudulently and illegally, making it an entirely unsuitable choice. The quality of service provided is abysmal, resulting in a significant waste of both time and money. Therefore, it is highly advisable to seek alternative companies to fulfil your writing needs.

User Reviews

It's a scam. Don't try

This is the worst company I have ever dealt with. After placing my order, I was shocked that the order has been transferred to another company called “tutorsindia”. They did not say that to me when I placed the order, they are just writing on their website without clarifying who will write the work. That was too bad. When I received the file, it was full of mistakes as it had nothing to do with my requirements. They did not follow my requirements and the instructions that I have sent them. It was very clear that they are not professional at all. I then asked them for a revision, but they kept procrastinating all the time and they delivered the file after the deadline has passed. And when I was sending them emails; they were not responding to me or they were very slow in responding which caused me a lot of confusing, and when they submitted the last file it was not as agreed. Still has lots of mistakes and errors.

Can you imagine that when I asked for a refund, they started threatening me that they will communicate with my university and inform it that I have used their services??!!

In total, my experience with them was so bad. They don’t respond quickly to emails and inquiries. They have employed another company for the job. The quality of the job done is very low and it’s not PhD level. They don’t commit to the instructions. Their late answers have caused me too many problems with the university. The language used is very bad, and it’s clear that the writer is not an expert from the UK as claimed. AND they have threatened me which is something unbelievable. I will never use their service again neither I will recommend you for others. Please keep away from such a scam.

By James













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