Review presents itself as a writing firm dedicated to delivering top-quality academic writing to students. They advertise direct communication with writers as a key feature of their service. However, our investigation into their claims reveals a stark contrast to what they promise. Customer feedback and reviews often indicate dissatisfaction with the quality of writing and the level of service provided. Many customers report issues with communication breakdowns and unresponsive support from their supposed direct communication with writers.

Based on our findings, falls short of meeting the expectations they set. They do not consistently deliver on their promise of high-quality writing materials or effective communication channels. For a comprehensive evaluation of their services and reliability, we advise reading our detailed review. This will provide potential customers with a clearer understanding of the company's shortcomings and whether it aligns with their expectations for academic support and writing services.

Quality ranks among the poorest writing firms in terms of quality. Their writers consistently fail to provide high-quality writing materials that meet academic standards. Numerous complaints indicate that customers often receive recycled papers, suggesting a lack of originality and effort in their work. Past clients have reported significant instances of plagiarism in the papers provided by this company, with content directly copied from sources like Wikipedia. This practice not only compromises the integrity of the work but also reflects poorly on the company's commitment to delivering original and academically sound content. operates as a scam firm, lacking credibility in ensuring originality and customer satisfaction. Once papers are delivered, they do not offer any revision opportunities, leaving customers without recourse if they are dissatisfied with the quality or content of their assignments. This absence of post-delivery support further highlights their disregard for meeting customer expectations and maintaining academic integrity. Potential clients should approach this writing service with caution, considering the risks associated with receiving plagiarised and unoriginal work without the opportunity for revision or improvement.


They claim to offer a comprehensive range of writing services and position themselves as one of the premier writing firms in the industry. However, our findings contradict these claims. They consistently fail to meet the expectations of their customers, unable to deliver the specific services required. Reports indicate that they often provide incomplete and irrelevant work that does not meet the criteria or standards expected by their clients. This inability to fulfil promises and deliver satisfactory results casts doubt on their credibility and competence as a reputable writing service provider. Customers seeking reliable and effective writing solutions should exercise caution when considering this company, as their track record suggests a pattern of underperformance and dissatisfaction among those who rely on their services for academic or professional support.


Their pricing is exorbitant compared to other writing firms. For a 10-page paper, you'll be charged $230, even though the content is often plagiarised or recycled. This pricing scheme represents one of the highest rates we've encountered, suggesting a profit-driven approach by the company. Moreover, they do not offer refunds or discounts, further diminishing the value proposition for customers.

Choosing this service risks wasting both your time and money, as you may receive substandard work without recourse for reimbursement or price adjustments. This profit-oriented strategy, coupled with the lack of customer-focused policies, underscores their prioritisation of financial gain over delivering quality academic content and customer satisfaction. As such, it's advisable to explore alternatives that offer fairer pricing, genuine quality assurance, and customer-friendly policies to avoid the pitfalls associated with such exploitative practices in the writing service industry.

Support excels in communication before you place an order, using a persuasive and friendly tone to draw you in. However, once you're engaged, their support significantly declines. They fail to provide adequate assistance when issues arise, leaving customers stranded without resolution. Adding to concerns, the company lacks a physical address, suggesting it may not be a registered entity. This absence of official registration raises doubts about legal recourse in case of disputes or fraud.

Furthermore, troubling reports indicate that resorts to intimidating tactics, threatening customers with repercussions, such as contacting their universities, if they request refunds. Such behaviour is coercive and unprofessional, fostering an environment of distrust and anxiety among their clientele.

Given these issues, it's advisable to avoid engaging with for academic assistance. Their unreliable support, lack of transparency regarding registration, and intimidating practices undermine their credibility and reliability as a service provider. Students seeking reliable and ethical academic support should explore alternatives that prioritize transparency, professionalism, and customer satisfaction.


Most of the time, this company fails to meet delivery deadlines, which is a critical issue for customers facing strict submission deadlines. The consistent delays undermine the reliability of their service and can severely impact those relying on timely submissions for academic or professional purposes. Moreover, even when deliveries do arrive, they often contain plagiarised content. This unethical practice not only jeopardises the originality of the work but also compromises the academic integrity of the customers who use their services. Plagiarised content can lead to severe consequences, including academic penalties or loss of reputation.

Therefore, relying on this company for timely and original work is not advisable. The combination of unreliable delivery schedules and plagiarised content suggests a lack of commitment to customer satisfaction and academic standards. Students and professionals seeking reputable writing services should consider alternatives that prioritise timely delivery and original, well-crafted content to avoid the risks associated with using such unreliable services.

Our Verdict

Therefore, we do not recommend this unregistered company due to its poor quality services, high prices, and coercive practices. Additionally, they do not provide refund or revision options, which further diminishes their credibility. It is advisable to steer clear of this deceitful writing firm to avoid potential problems and dissatisfaction.

User Reviews


Do not waste your time and money with those unprofessional people. Their level of academic English is substandard.













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